Tempted to make up for the month gap of posts!

I apologize for the serious lack of updates. But I do have a good excuse. I have been way in over my head with school work, getting sick and going back and forth between New York City, Long Island, Boston and back here to Western Massachusetts. Let’s just say I’ve been really busy.

So the thought of the day: Jonny Craig.

Though you look like the biggest hick, standing there with your facial hair and mullet, you are the most talented thing alive! You are by far my biggest male inspiration…

P.S. What is the deal with the half naked chicks in your music video, making out with each other, or all over the drummer while he is playing? Bad video…but you’re voice let’s you get away with it. Ugh! Give me a fraction of your talent please. I’d be set for life.

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