Category Archives: Uncategorized


Tempted to take back one of these palm trees with me.  But I can’t lie. I miss the Northeast.

I’m down in Florida for the majority of the summer. Doing a whole lot of nothing. I can’t complain. These are all random pictures I’ve taken so far.


I’m tempted to glue the pieces back together.

I am sad to say that recently, my one and only, beautiful red acoustic guitar was broken. I leave my guitar in a boy’s dorm room for just two days and what happens? It gets snapped in two. I can’t be mad, it was an accident. But that guitar was my 13th birthday present. I’m thoroughly bummed. Knowing me I’ll glue the head back on and re-string it, but it won’t be the same. I thought I’d dedicate this post to my broken acoustic.


Tempted to start posting things and venting about them before everyone else does…

So I saw this video and was shocked by it a while ago. Now everyone is talking about it, saying similar things to what I think. So even though this is a little late, I’m still putting it up. Ironic because this is helping promote the song and I think it’s sending a horrible message (especially to the tween girls who make up most of Miley Cyrus’ fan base.) Anyway…they’re turning you into Britney Spears. Can you believe her parents support the video?


Tempted to do this to my own guitar.

Woody Guthrie. It is a shame if you do not know who this man is. But this picture, my favorite picture of him, reminds me of how powerful music can be. What a voice it gives people. What a movement it can bring. How it can save lives.

His guitar says it all.


Tempted to post this. It made me laugh to myself when I came across it today…

So true about the media these days. Not that there is anything really wrong with it besides being a bit overwhelming, I see it as productive. Seems to aid us in promoting and marketing anything we want. Let’s just pray it doesn’t take over our lives in the near future. They’re already starting to put advertisements literally anywhere they have a chance to and it is already driving me insane and probably going to get much worse. Oh technology.


I am tempted to run away with Peter Pan…

It was my Birthday April Ninth. Last Friday. And I turned Twenty!

Officially no longer a teenager and entering my twenties. Oh how I really don’t like the idea of getting older. Where is Peter Pan when I need him? Take me to Neverland before I get any older please! Haha no, it isn’t that bad. The birthday weekend was spent in NYC with my best friends and it was one of the best birthdays yet. I had a blast. Saw Florence and the Machine Friday night, what more could I ask for? Then Saturday night partied hard after shopping in Soho that afternoon.

Anyway. Hi my Twenties. Can not wait to see what “the best years” are really going to be like… I’m excited.


I’m tempted to know the truth.

The truth about life. Our point of being. If we really have souls within us.  If we are simply blood, brain and bones. Whether or not there is another life when this one is over. Or another life being lived parallel to this life now. Or a life lived even before this one.

The other day I was thinking about my soul. How I do believe there is one inside of all of us, a spirit, a something. And how I have heard I am an old soul, or at least one that has been around before, which I happen to agree with when taking time to analyze myself. I also think about my sister. My older sister who seems to be a newborn soul. One that is living one of its first lives. So innocent and sweet. So naive. So different from me.

And then there is my reaction. Not excited nor intrigued to know or dream of what lives I could have already lived. Or people I have been. Or places I have already seen. Instead I just got jealous? Angry? I was jealous to think other people had owned my soul. My spirit had been their spirit at some point in history. I’ve shared it with other lives, other bodies.

And all of sudden. I felt unimportant.


Tempted to make up for the month gap of posts!

I apologize for the serious lack of updates. But I do have a good excuse. I have been way in over my head with school work, getting sick and going back and forth between New York City, Long Island, Boston and back here to Western Massachusetts. Let’s just say I’ve been really busy.

So the thought of the day: Jonny Craig.

Though you look like the biggest hick, standing there with your facial hair and mullet, you are the most talented thing alive! You are by far my biggest male inspiration…

P.S. What is the deal with the half naked chicks in your music video, making out with each other, or all over the drummer while he is playing? Bad video…but you’re voice let’s you get away with it. Ugh! Give me a fraction of your talent please. I’d be set for life.


I was tempted to make a Twitter under the influence of a friend.

(Follow me, VikiVixen.)

And of course I did so and for some reason, I actually use it and enjoy it. In some unusual way it is rather addicting, knowing what your friends are doing every minute of every day. I guess maybe that’s why reality shows are so successful, because lives are entertainment. This is entertainment.


I’m tempted to find a way to be a kid again.

Do you remember what it was like to be a child? Do you remember what it was like to have an imagination and to still be an innocent? I barely do anymore. I try to hold onto these things, but as each day passes, I fight harder to hold onto them. As you age, even if your grip begins to loosen, never let go.